Teluk Penyu Beach represent object of tourism which is located in eastside town of cilacap which also represent border line between town of cilacap with of Indies ocean. Coastal this a lot of visiting by tourist in the evening. Because its location bunch up with object of tourism of Benteng Pendem then the incoming visitor. There a lot of meeting a boats of fisherman which can be rented and the fieldsman ship. This location also bunch up by nusakambangan representing place of tourism all at once become place institute society. Teluk Penyu of bow till frontier of regency Kebumen. Before the TEluk Penyu beach is very beautiful with forest of tree of coconut in coastline. In this area a lot of there are people who sell souvenir of result from sea. not only that there also a lot of place providing cookery go out to sea. Its location close to coast so that you can witness the beauty of coast at the same time enjoy food go out to sea.